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Is there gonna be an android version of this?

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I actually Played with recording it

Man, If PGHLFlims saw Baldi drink the gigantic potion, this is gonna be happen

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I saw MediaGamesGuide playing this mod a couple days ago and i saw The Frustrated Gamer played this mod today. I played it too. I liked this mod a lot. Good Job with this mod.😀👍👌

Thanks for letting me know, I actually had no idea he played it because he didn't link my mod in the description and it was a little strange because I never added any 'brussels sprouts' story. But nonetheless, I enjoyed his gameplay and commentary and glad he liked it. And I'm glad you enjoyed the mod too, thanks for playing.

Yeah he made up his own story for the mod and was just joking about Baldi eating Brussels Sprouts is why he became Giant. That was really funny LOL! 

lemme guess, transform.localScale?


This is a good mod. :D


You're welcome. :)

Baldi's a titan

Thanks for playing!